Before you read this post please turn on your speakers and have a listen on my blog. I've added The Pounds Myspace song player to my blog for your listening pleasures.
The band has been around for less than a year and already we've had great success. We started off, just three guys having a good time, writing dumb songs, that made fun of people mostly. Now we've evolved into so much more. We added another guitar, a drummer, a singer, a bass played, and keyboards. I think we’ve finally found all the pieces to the puzzle that we need to be a successful band. We started practising at our singer’s church, and we started to improve quickly. We’d come a very long way and when the chance to play the Riverside high school talent show came along, we stole the show. The entire school piled up to the front of the gym right against the stage. Vice Principal Josh Canty even went as far as saying (and I quote) "For that short amount of time, I had no control over my school. The Pounds did". Along with the great pride of winning, we received 5 hours of free recording at one of the best studio’s in Windsor. It was there where everything fell together for us, and we recorded out first hit single ‘No Vacancy'. We've been playing shows and bringing in HUGE amounts of fans to shows. With the lineup we have, and our great stage presence you would not be disappointed when you come to shows.
The band is as follows:
Kyle Lundy (me): Lead guitar, age 17
Eric Bauer: Bass guitar, age 17
Jordan Crosby: lead vocals, age 19
Kevin Prieur: rhythm guitar, age 18
Jesse Crosby: Drums, age 16
Dawn Newman: Keys, age 29
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