The Harley of all Harley's actually isn't a Harley at all. It's a 1980 Honda C70! It has a 70cc motor and a three gear auto clutch transmission. She is a beauty but there is many things wrong with it:
headlight broken
electric start not working
oil leak
long warm-up time
bulbs burnt out
and the list goes on. Me being the high roller that i am decided that i wasn't going to put any money into this little project, other than 5 dollars in gas every couple weeks!! Yes that's right couple weeks, the bike is really good on gas. The tank is 1 gallon and for every gallon the moped can drive over 100km. Top speed with me on it was 60 Km/h but if someone smaller went on it they could get it up to 70 or 80. She is a good machine and runs pretty well right now. I'm hoping to get it street legal one day and have it up and running to drive around town, who knows maybe you'll see my flying past you one day on my "Harley".